Installation view
Miles McEnery Gallery, New York, 2024

"Working on a larger scale, as she does in this exhibition, and evoking different time periods through the often brightly colored and patterned background, Eveleth has opened up an imaginative space that is all her own. As straightforward and direct as the paintings are, there is nothing simple about them. If we are unsure whether Eveleth is being absurdly funny or bitingly satirical, she is likely doing both."

From Emily Eveleth's Doughnuts Bleed for Our Sins by John Yau, Hyperallergic, February 24th 2024

Pink Zebra
2023, 78 x 78 inches, oil on canvas

"In her previous exhibition, Eveleth's subjects, depicted in close-up views, were ambiguous and comically obscene. Working on a larger scale, and granting an important role to the background, the artist's mute forms become characters in a silent opera — passive, tragicomic bodies unable to determine their own paths."

- John Yau

Detail of Pink Zebra

Installation view
Miles McEnery Gallery, New York, 2024

Pompadour's Dream
2023, oil on canvas, 80 x 62 ¼ inches

Dairy of a Thief
2023, oil on canvas, 58 x 49 inches

"The grotesque isn't overt in Eveleth's paintings, but it is always there."

- John Yau

Installation view
Miles McEnery Gallery, New York, 2024

"And her paintings have become more outrageous. In a world where the accumulation of unlimited wealth is considered an honorable pursuit, Eveleth's paintings remind us of how bizarre and ridiculous human beings can be."

- John Yau

Installation view with Olympia Series
Miles McEnery Gallery, New York, 2024

The Small Rooms of Paris
2022, oil on panel, 26 x 18 inches

Installation view with Olympia Series
Miles McEnery Gallery, New York, 2024

One Scenario Two Views
2023, 6 ½ x 10 ½ inches, oil on panel

One Scenario Two Views
2023, 6 ½ x 10 ½ inches, oil on panel

Installation view
Miles McEnery Gallery, New York, 2024

Advice from the Boudoir
2023, 49 x 76 inches, oil on canvas

"Eveleth's paintings provoke wild associations. In her work, debauchery and decadence meet in the lowly doughnut, which we are invited to read as a limbless torso with a dripping orifice. These doughnuts bleed for our sins."

- John Yau

Eveleth studio view with Stage Left
2023, oil and metallic paint on panel, 18 x 20 inches